At Studfall Infant Academy, we are committed to delivering a comprehensive and fulfilling PSHE curriculum to equip our pupils with an understanding and strong foundation to develop life's essential skills.
We aim to offer this through a combination of planned and timetabled teaching of the subject explicitly, through cross-curricular links, and through promoting our core values throughout our school community.
We aim to support the development of the “whole child.” We ensure that there is a strong emphasis on nurturing mental and physical health, building resilience and promoting well-being.
We encourage our children to have high aspirations, to believe in themselves and to develop their sense of self-worth. Children learn how to build and maintain successful relationships and develop their identity and self-esteem through their contributions to school life and the wider community.
We ensure children have opportunities to reflect on and clarify their own values, attitudes and feelings through opportunities to discover what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
We aim to provide learning that is accessible to all and ensures children achieve their potential. Through a range of approaches, children are taught the acquisition of skills and knowledge which will enable them to develop strategies to support their own health and well-being and enable them to realise their potential throughout the school curriculum.
PSHE is embedded throughout our pupil’s school life, but discrete weekly lessons ensure coverage of specific topics. Children learn using a variety of approaches that enable all children to have access to learning which includes: whole class teaching, group work, assemblies, educational visits, links with the local community, visitors to school as well as individual, tailored interventions and the opportunity to join our School Council.
Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) in the EYFS supports children to learn to get on with others and make friends, understand and talk about feelings, learn about 'right' and 'wrong', develop independence and ultimately feel good about themselves.
In Key Stage 1, core themes covered are:
- Health and well-being
- Living in the wider world
- Relationships
Our planning is mapped to the National Curriculum and covers the DfE’s statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, as well as linking to the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study and incorporating the Fundamental British Values.
We also have a very special scrapbook to document and evidence our wonderful PSHE learning journey with photos, annotations and children's work. This is displayed on the PSHE board outside the school office.
In addition, throughout the year, we partake in our own and national themed days/weeks to promote essential values and principles. These include:
- Wear Red Day (British Heart Foundation)
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Children in Need
- Christmas Jumper Day (Save the Children)
- Comic Relief
- Wear a Hat Day (Brain tumour research)
- National Careers Week
- Well-being Week
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo to promote and reward positive behaviour, which is a wonderful platform to encourage and celebrate pupils' achievements across all areas of PSHE and is a very effective communication tool between school staff and families.
We also use 'Golden Rules' to encourage high standards and moral values, including listening well, working hard, looking after property and being kind, honest and gentle.
Janine Wyldes