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“In Science we can inspire something…every discovery, however small is a permanent gain.” 

                                                                                                                                     Pierre Curie to Marie, 1894

As a school we aim to nurture the children’s curiosity and questioning skills to equip them with the best foundations for everyday life. The scientific area of the learning aims to help the children gain confidence and take risks when understanding the world around them. Children have the opportunity to ask questions and are encouraged to be inquisitive in a supportive and nurturing manner.

To ensure our children are given the best possible opportunities our science curriculum is progressive throughout the school. This gives children the time and independence to believe in themselves and to develop their understanding and vocabulary over time. We believe that this promotes the skills of critical thinking and observing changes over time as well as solving problems, whilst still enjoying the learning. We aim to develop independent, confident young scientists who believe in themselves and enjoy making discoveries.

At Studfall we build upon the skills developed in previous years, this helps the children to discover their current understanding which then increases their confidence to become more proficient in their enquiries. The children have the chance to interpret results, experiment with equipment and come to their own conclusions based on what they have discovered. We find opportunities for this within the classroom, outdoor learning and in the local community which helps to gain a wider variety of skills and to discover the world in which we live in with a hands-on experience.

Curiosity is celebrated in our school with our children encouraged to question the world around them, to build upon their skills and to deepen their scientific understanding of how and why things happen, to consider the cause and effect of scientific experiments and to invoke a sense of awe and wonder. As teachers we support this by modelling precise, scientific questioning within our classrooms, giving every child the chance to achieve their best outcome. Our aim at Studfall is to create open minds through the delivery of exciting lessons for all children to be able to achieve and shine. We want the children to enjoy being scientists and to give them knowledge that will stay with them throughout their school journey - and beyond!